Posts Tagged ‘division 43’
Why buying brand new is now the key to maximising your tax deductions
People often ask me questions like “I should buy a new investment property because it’s better for tax right?” The answer is yes and at the same time, no. Buying a brand-new property because of the available deductions is not a sophisticated strategy. Accountants tell me the same thing, people say they need an investment…
Read MoreDraft Legislation for Depreciation Changes Issued by Treasury
On Friday the 14th of July, the treasury finally issued their draft legislation relating to the changes to depreciation for plant and equipment items. Personally, the most positive thing about the draft is that it’s silenced the fear-mongering commentators saying that depreciation on plant and equipment would be stripped from new properties. This was never…
Read MorePlant & Equipment Depreciation Changes – 2017 Budget Measures
The announced budget changes by the treasurer Scott Morrison, effectively take a sledgehammer to residential depreciation legislation that hasn’t really changed since 2006. The Reserve Bank only has a blunt instrument to work with, in changing the cash rate to curb/stimulate inflation, but fiscal policy can be far more nuanced. The Government opted against a…
Read More181 Fitzroy Street, St Kilda – Super depreciation, and a pool to die for.
The view from St Kilda back to the CBD over Albert park is not often showcased, but it’s a spectacular one. Taking full advantage of this is the new development at 181 Fitzroy Street St Kilda. This retail/residential mixed use building comprises 46 two bedroom and 68 one bedroom apartments over nine levels. As described…
Read MoreTax Depreciation Calculators – Is there merit in the estimates?
Google is telling us that more and more people are searching for a ‘tax depreciation calculator’. Admittedly, this search ranked well below the top 2016 result of ‘US Election’ and even a few million short of number 6 ‘Pokemon Go’. Putting the self-deprecating Quantity Surveyor stuff to the side for a moment, searching for an…
Read MoreCapital city dwelling values up, with pace of growth slowing.
Across the combined capital cities, dwelling values have increased by 7.1% over the 12 months to September 2016, a figure much lower than the 11.0% increase in values over the previous 12 months. So, whilst dwelling values certainly aren’t tracking sideways, the pace of growth has slowed markedly, yet is still relatively strong. Rental rates…
Read MoreProperty in Scotland – Is it the next hot spot for you as an investor?
Pardon the tongue-in-cheek title, but the whole hotspot thing can be a little tiresome. We are much more in favour of long term fundamentals than volatile pockets and mining towns. What do we here at MCG know about the Scottish property market? Absolutely nothing! However, when one of our clients asked us to complete a…
Read MoreOverseas Investment Properties & Depreciation
Whilst it’s certainly not the sort of reports we target, a number of our clients own investment properties overseas. If you’re claiming the rental income in Australia, then you’re entitled to minimise your tax via having a depreciation schedule completed. To date we’ve completed many reports for overseas investors in places like the United States,…
Read MoreScrapping Schedules Demystified
Scrapping depreciable assets is a fantastic way to claim deductions as an asset reaches the end of its practical use. Essentially it’s a simple process but we’ve had a number of calls from investors confused by terms like ‘scrapping schedules’. The difference between a depreciation schedule and a scrapping schedule is practically nothing, other than…
Read MoreSuper deductions – Inside the Hilton Hotel Surfers Paradise
We’ve recently had the pleasure of completing some major works for the Hilton Hotel in Surfers Paradise. Locals will no doubt be aware that the Hotel was for sale in 2015. The Gold Coast Bulletin ran the following headline. “GOT $60 million? You could own one of the city’s newest five-star hotels.” The Hilton sale…
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