Property Investing
Should you invest in Queensland?
We live in the golden age of borderless investing. Remote inspections, locality-based buyer’s agents and other experts, and open access to a range of data and advice. 2021 has proved you don’t need to leave your armchair to invest in property across the nation. So, in an era where literally every market is open to…
Read MoreGet Your Assets Working Harder with an Investment Property Depreciation Report
These are tough times. As if last year’s bushfires weren’t enough, no-one could have predicted the fallout from eighteen months of a global pandemic. The reality is we still don’t know what the future holds, and it’s different for everyone. Both individuals and businesses are struggling with ongoing lockdowns and general uncertainty in the market…
Read MoreThe truth about depreciation and CGT
There are plenty of quandaries swirling around the zeitgeist which confound me. For example, what university course should I take to become a millionaire ‘influencer’? Also, why wasn’t our national anthem composed by a sweat-drenched, pub-rock band from Adelaide? Big questions that someone else will have to resolve I’m afraid. However, there is a line…
Read MoreSpotting investor danger zones with the MCG Landlord Win/Loss Index
Numbers are cool… well, at least I think so. There is so much to be learned by running some well sourced digits. I love to revel in the trends and roll about in the algorithms. Stories unfold and revelations abound so you can make sound decisions and potentially profit from the pointers delivered by data…
Read MoreInvesting in fast rising market
Oh, the swings and roundabouts of pandemic property investment! That sounds like the title track of a Gilbert and Sullivan production. It conjures up images of barely-in-control players swinging each other about the stage while traversing vocal gymnastics of the highest calibre. Property markets have been riding a similar emotional rollercoaster. We’ve gone from famine…
Read MoreThe wealthy, the comfortable middle and the rest: Australia’s wealth and income ladder explained
“If poor people knew how rich rich people are, there would be riots in the streets.” Those are the exact words of American actor and comedian Chris Rock during a past interview with New York magazine. He was referring to the enlarging gap between the rich and the poor in the US. Here at…
Read MoreThe true costs of investing without expert advice
Property investment has achieved an almost religious following among a large swathe of the country’s population – zealous in their devotion to building portfolios. It’s understandable of course. For starters, home ownership is so deeply ingrained in our nation’s psyche that we’ve classed it as ‘The Great Australia Dream’… and this appeal has flowed into…
Read MoreThe simple solution turning negative investments into positives
Sometime investors are too quick to judge whether a holding is ‘successful’ and end up making the wrong decision about whether to hold or sell. Now, I admit I’m not immune to the occasional bad decision. More than once I’ve reflected on what possessed me as a 20-something to make dubious shirt selections for those…
Read MoreHow the government delivered an ‘accidental investor’ boom
Cause and effect is a well know law of relationships. In 2020, there was an almighty cause, which brought an incredibly response across political and social landscapes. But another lesser-known law is, “If you’re going to throw a party you’ve got to expect a little damage.” In other words, things implemented to bring about one…
Read MoreAverage distance investors are buying from where they live – A surprising Result
In round figures, approximately 2.2 million Australians own an investment property – which is less than 10 per cent of the population. Of these investor figures, the vast majority own just one holding (over 70 per cent). I firmly believe that investors are getting stuck at one property simply by getting the first one wrong.…
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