Posts Tagged ‘Investment Property’
The wealthy, the comfortable middle and the rest: Australia’s wealth and income ladder explained
“If poor people knew how rich rich people are, there would be riots in the streets.” Those are the exact words of American actor and comedian Chris Rock during a past interview with New York magazine. He was referring to the enlarging gap between the rich and the poor in the US. Here at…
Read MoreThe true costs of investing without expert advice
Property investment has achieved an almost religious following among a large swathe of the country’s population – zealous in their devotion to building portfolios. It’s understandable of course. For starters, home ownership is so deeply ingrained in our nation’s psyche that we’ve classed it as ‘The Great Australia Dream’… and this appeal has flowed into…
Read MoreThe simple solution turning negative investments into positives
Sometime investors are too quick to judge whether a holding is ‘successful’ and end up making the wrong decision about whether to hold or sell. Now, I admit I’m not immune to the occasional bad decision. More than once I’ve reflected on what possessed me as a 20-something to make dubious shirt selections for those…
Read MoreAverage distance investors are buying from where they live – A surprising Result
In round figures, approximately 2.2 million Australians own an investment property – which is less than 10 per cent of the population. Of these investor figures, the vast majority own just one holding (over 70 per cent). I firmly believe that investors are getting stuck at one property simply by getting the first one wrong.…
Read MoreMy 2021 Predictions – thoughts on what 2021 will deliver
Profound predictions, bold statements and audacious utterings are not something normally associated with the button-down persona of quantity surveyors. But I’m about to buck the trend. Perhaps I’ve been I’m emboldened by this year of challenge. Maybe I’ve gone lockdown stir crazy. Possibly, it’s just the end of the year and it’s time to pop…
Read MoreDo you know how many investment properties you need to retire on?
In a way, I hope you don’t have an answer to that, as the number of properties isn’t really the answer. You could have ten properties worth $200,000 on 90% interest only loans in areas with no growth. Or 3 blue chip properties worth 1.5m each returning 7% growth per year unencumbered. The true answer…
Read MoreSpotlight on Property Investing Data – Suburb Trends
Property investing continues to evolve day by day as we find ourselves with greater and greater access to property professionals, as well as the data and tools to do our own research. One such research resource I wanted to put under the spotlight is ‘’. Suburbtrends offers research and data visualisation solutions. The website showcases…
Read MoreIt’s never too late to claim depreciation. Well, except when it is
The other day I saw someone in an interview say “It’s never too late to claim depreciation.” Now in fairness, perhaps in the following sentence, they added some caveats but even though I tuned out and got back to work, I don’t think that’s a prudent way to start a discussion about deductions, whether you’re…
Read MoreReview of the Ripehouse Advisory COVID-19 vs Australian Property Report
I recently took part in the Ripehouse COVID-19 survey along with 146 other industry experts and academics and have now been able to view the report in full. I commend the team for putting the report together, especially during such a fluid and evolving set of circumstances. Real estate is such a pivotal part of…
Read MoreScrapping schedules – They were great, but here’s why they’re a thing of the past
You’ll have to excuse us Quantity Surveyors as we get very excited about certain dates. The May 2017 budget (9th of May) heralded the largest change to depreciation rules since 2006, it certainly ruined what would have been a perfectly good glass of Shiraz as I sat watching Scott Morrison at home. For anyone lucky…
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