Posts Tagged ‘MCG Quantity Surveyors’
Why Australia is facing a ‘devastating insurance crisis’ this summer
A national property firm has warned that Australia is facing a “devastating insurance crisis” as this summers triple-dip La Nina threatens to financially ruin underinsured homeowners. MCG Quantity Surveyors, which has offices in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Newcastle, Adelaide, Perth and Canberra, said that a combination of factors could lead to “one of most financially devastating”…
Read MoreBuilding approvals point to a potential future housing shortage
It doesn’t seem that long ago we were talking about an oversupply of apartments across Sydney, South Melbourne, and Brisbane. However, a lot has changed in the past few years. The ABS October figures on building approvals show a seasonally adjusted estimate for total dwelling units falling by 8.1% in October. The graph below from…
Read MoreWrapping up the year with Data, Dance Floors, and Depreciation
Our year started on a high, coming off the back of a massive win for MCG. Landing a position on the Financial Review’s top 100 of fastest-growing businesses, we hit the ground running! Mike Mortlock and Mitch Ford completed their much-anticipated triathlon, with over $2k raised for Heartkids, a charity helping those affected by congenital…
Read MoreWhat you need to know about short term leasing your investment property
I’ll admit that I struggled with an appropriate title as the above one is certainly clunky, but I wanted to share some tips on how to rent your investment property out on a short-term basis, similar to an Airbnb type setup. My pet subject is depreciation, so I’m not going to let you get…
Read MoreDeductions & Depreciation for all – Why the kids are doing OK
Like any good analytical thinker, I love to hypothesise. Some think it’s a character flaw, whereas I – and those of my quantity surveying ilk – enjoy nothing more than ingesting data, extrapolating the assumptions and producing a conclusion. I was thinking about the recent federal election and the discussions put forward pre-poll day about…
Read MoreWhy does your split depreciation schedule not add up?
Apologies for the click bait article title, but I was at a loss as to what to call it. Let me start by saying that split depreciation schedules are fantastic. I’ve written about them before: and we’ve done thousands of them. They’re a fantastic way for multiple tenants in common to see their exact…
Read MoreTax depreciation estimating – The value of having your finger on the pulse
Back in the day, tax depreciation was not a service that quantity surveyors offered. In fact, it’s an industry that’s not much older than 21 years whereas quantity surveying in general can be traced back to at least 1859 but possibly 1785. Sorry, you’re right, you didn’t ask. Anyway, my point is that most quantity…
Read MoreIt’s all in the timing – When to organise a depreciation schedule
Once people have been rebirthed into the glorious world of depreciation boosted property investing, their next question is; ‘When should I organise the schedule?’ If I can cement one thing into your brain, let that be this answer: Now. What I’m getting at here is that people can get seriously caught out by putting it…
Read MoreWhy would a Quantity Surveyor be the life of the party?
Listen. I’m a Quantity Surveyor (QS) who specialises in tax deprecation so, frankly, I’ve heard them all: Q. How can you tell if a QS is extroverted? A. In conversation, he looks at your shoes instead of his own. Q. How does a QS make a bold fashion statement? A. He wears dark grey socks…
Read MoreMy favourite QS BS – The top three furphies spouted by the depreciation industry
As a Quantity Surveyor or QS if you will, I have the pleasure of a little inside information when it comes to reading some of the articles or catch phrases written by other quantity surveyors. No sour grapes here, for the most part we all get along. I have some great relationships with a number…
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