Posts Tagged ‘property repairs’
Depreciable asset or repairs and maintenance? – How to make the call
Owning an investment property will invariably result in having to spend some money on it. The good news is that the tax man (perhaps we need a gender-neutral term but technically the tax commissioner is a man) will let you claim that expenditure as a deduction. However, not all deductions are equal. Spending money on…
Read MorePlant & Equipment Depreciation Changes – 2017 Budget Measures
The announced budget changes by the treasurer Scott Morrison, effectively take a sledgehammer to residential depreciation legislation that hasn’t really changed since 2006. The Reserve Bank only has a blunt instrument to work with, in changing the cash rate to curb/stimulate inflation, but fiscal policy can be far more nuanced. The Government opted against a…
Read MoreTax Depreciation Calculators – Is there merit in the estimates?
Google is telling us that more and more people are searching for a ‘tax depreciation calculator’. Admittedly, this search ranked well below the top 2016 result of ‘US Election’ and even a few million short of number 6 ‘Pokemon Go’. Putting the self-deprecating Quantity Surveyor stuff to the side for a moment, searching for an…
Read MoreUnit Renovation Case Study
Our latest case study is a cracker. It showcases what can be done within a small space and smashes a commonly held myth that a property built before 1987 will never have any depreciation deductions. The unit was in Mona Vale, in Sydney’s beautiful northern beaches. It is a two bedroom, one-bathroom unit in a…
Read MoreScrapping Schedules Demystified
Scrapping depreciable assets is a fantastic way to claim deductions as an asset reaches the end of its practical use. Essentially it’s a simple process but we’ve had a number of calls from investors confused by terms like ‘scrapping schedules’. The difference between a depreciation schedule and a scrapping schedule is practically nothing, other than…
Read More“It’s not worthwhile having a depreciation schedule” – How costly unqualified advice can be
Recently we were following up on a quote in Newcastle, NSW for a house that had been split into three small units. The owner came back to us with the following: “Thank you for your email. After sending this email, I spoke to the managing real estate who advised me that the house was too…
Read MoreWhat will a new kitchen do for you?
What will a new kitchen do for you?Updating a kitchen can be a fantastic way to increase both your rental yield and the capital value of your investment property. We’re often asked what a new kitchen will do for depreciation deductions. Ignoring any scrapping component discussed in the adjacent article, let’s take a look at…
Read MoreThe Biggest Mistakes Landlords Make
1. Not treating the investment property like a business If your investment property is occupied by a family member you’re helping out, then your investment goals might be a little different. However, for most investors they’re in the business of owning a property to make money. There are often times when investors make decisions based…
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