What is a tax depreciation schedule and how can it change your tax return?

Tax Depreciation Schedule

Albert Einstein said if you can’t explain something simply, then you don’t understand it well enough. So, it’s time to test my understanding of tax depreciation schedules! A tax depreciation schedule is simply a report detailing the depreciation entitlements available to you within your investment property. The depreciation entitlements can be broken into two simple…

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Tax Depreciation Calculators – Is there merit in the estimates?

Depreciation Calculator

Google is telling us that more and more people are searching for a ‘tax depreciation calculator’. Admittedly, this search ranked well below the top 2016 result of ‘US Election’ and even a few million short of number 6 ‘Pokemon Go’. Putting the self-deprecating Quantity Surveyor stuff to the side for a moment, searching for an…

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Capital city dwelling values up, with pace of growth slowing.

City Dwelling

Across the combined capital cities, dwelling values have increased by 7.1% over the 12 months to September 2016, a figure much lower than the 11.0% increase in values over the previous 12 months. So, whilst dwelling values certainly aren’t tracking sideways, the pace of growth has slowed markedly, yet is still relatively strong. Rental rates…

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Scrapping Schedules Demystified

Scrapping Schedules

Scrapping depreciable assets is a fantastic way to claim deductions as an asset reaches the end of its practical use. Essentially it’s a simple process but we’ve had a number of calls from investors confused by terms like ‘scrapping schedules’. The difference between a depreciation schedule and a scrapping schedule is practically nothing, other than…

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Inside a 2.5 million dollar northern beaches holiday home

Northern Beaches

There are certain pockets of Australia we find ourselves coming back to alot, and fortunately one of those places is Bynya Road, Palm Beach. We were engaged to prepare a capital allowance & tax depreciation schedule on this stunning holiday home. Estate agent Amethyst McKee described the property as a “charming timber and sandstone home…

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The questions we’re asked on a daily basis


Navigating the world of property depreciation can be a daunting task for property investors. Our aim is to simplify the process, eliminate the B.S. and arm investors with the knowledge they need to get the most out of their property. With that in mind, we thought it would be a good time to answer some…

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What are Scrapping Schedules?

scrapping schedule

Authors Note: Scrapping schedules have been impacted by legislation changes and in most cases will not suit your scenario. See more information here – Scrapping Schedules – Why they’re a thing of the past. The term ‘scrapping schedule’ is thrown about a lot these days, and to be honest, it’s a term that is more…

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